Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Bing Places for Business

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Bing Places for Business

Why you shouldn’t ignore Bing

First and foremost: Bing is number two in the list of largest search engines in the US. So you want your website to rank on it. Why? Because it has a diverse audience. And according to available data, the search engine market share of Bing sits at 9.41%

Now, 9.41% may not sound that impressive until you consider the actual numbers:

          • 1.3 billion unique monthly global visitors to Bing.com.
          • 12 billion monthly search volume worldwide.
          • 500 million monthly search volume in the US.

Our $99 price includes optimizing and controlling indexing on Bing which involves a few key, important SEO resources:

          • Sitemaps
          • Robots.txt files
          • HTML robot commands
          • Crawlability in general


Click below to add Bing places for business setup service to cart. 

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Tips on Utilizing Freelancers to Boost Sales

Tips on Utilizing Freelancers to Boost Sales

Tips on Utilizing Freelancers to Boost Sales

If you’re a business owner, you know how important your sales and marketing efforts are to your overall success. Dedicated marketing allows you to maintain customer engagement and create loyal relationships with your following, which are critical to strong sales figures. As an entrepreneur, outsourcing your sales and marketing to external professionals like an agency or freelancers can help you level up and boost your business profits.

Queen Bee Media is committed to helping people find greater professional success and personal fulfillment with dedicated coaching services. This guide explains how leveraging the skills of sales and marketing freelancers and agencies can help you reach your business goals.

Define your targets

If you want to meet — or better yet, surpass — your goals, you need to have a target in mind. Set defined marketing and sales goals in advance. This is also something you can share with potential hires, giving them an idea of your aims. Copper Chronicles explains how to set different types of marketing and sales targets, from financial to customer-based.

Determine where you need help

With your targets in mind, you will have a better idea of what kinds of experts you should look for. U.S. Chamber describes some jobs worth outsourcing, including content and social media marketing. Website-specific jobs, such as search engine optimization, web design, and web development, are also best delegated. Why? These are highly specialized fields requiring significant expertise. 

Build your freelance sales and marketing team

Once you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to start the search for qualified freelancers. Twist offers a comprehensive how-to for remote hiring. Start by clearly defining the role. You can then find fitting professionals via online job boards.

For example, if you need to create an app for your business, you can find many mobile app developments with React Native providers. Consider criteria like cost and reviews as you narrow down candidates to a shortlist. In addition to reviewing resumes, ask applicants for a cover letter to get better insights into their personality. Finally, conduct interviews — via video, if needed — to find the right pro.

Establish a streamlined onboarding procedure for your freelancers

Once you’ve chosen your sales and marketing experts, take the time to onboard them. Learning Bank explains that failing to invest in onboarding can result in frustration and wasted efforts. Be clear about expectations and objectives, as well as practical issues like technologies you expect them to use, such as project management and chat tools.

Keep the lines of communication open at all times

One of the biggest challenges of working with freelancers and marketing agencies is communication. Since you won’t have direct access to your team on a regular basis, you want to ensure everybody is kept up to speed. Luckily, technology can help. Collaboration tools specifically for enhancing freelancer engagement  include Slack, CloudApp, and Skype.

Assess your success and pivot as needed

Your sales and marketing goals and strategies should never be stagnant. Using the goals you’ve set previously, revisit your tactics and monitor your progress regularly. Accent Technologies provides a list of indicators that it’s time to revisit your sales and marketing strategies, such as an inability to analyze past performance or highly variable results.

A great sales and marketing team can drive business growth and profits. Follow these tips for putting together a skilled support group of freelancers and agency experts and prepare to watch your business thrive.

Queen Bee Media is a full-service digital marketing agency offering WordPress Web Design, Web Development, Lead Generation & Landing Pages, Email Marketing Automation, Digital Ads, Branding, Voiced Real Estate Video Tours and SEO and more. Contact us today for more info! 763-220-1389.

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Queen Bee Media helps FREE BIKES 4 KIDZ reach new heights

Queen Bee Media helps FREE BIKES 4 KIDZ reach new heights

Queen Bee Media helps FREE BIKES 4 KIDZ reach new heights.

Queen Bee Media is pleased to announce that it has partnered with FREE BIKES 4 KIDZ, A non-profit organization that provides bicycles to children in need. The partnership will help FREE BIKES 4 KIDZ reach new heights to provide more bicycles to children who need them.

Currently, they are now in 15 markets and growing and that’s where we come in. We are going to help them achieve their online digital goals of providing bikes to kids all over the country.

FB4k.org are passionate about the wellbeing of children

FREE BIKES 4 KIDZ brings communities together to sustainably furnish bikes to kids-in-need, providing a pathway to health, happiness, and opportunity.

Free Bikes 4 Kidz Impact by 2025

  • Bikes collected >>1.2M (from 110 locations)
  • Bikes given away >> 1.0M
  • Metal kept out of landfills
  • 17,000 tons (about 34 Boeing 747s)
  • Rubber kept out of landfills
  • 1,300 tons (about 6 billion rubber bands)
  • Volunteers engaged
  • 516,000 (about 10 Fortune 500 companies)
  • Volunteer hours donated
  • 2.9M (about $35M of minimum-wage labor)


Terry Esau, founder of FB4K, chats with Kelly and Ryan about the Free Bikes 4 Kidz organization.

Terry Esau, founder of FB4K, chats with Kelly and Ryan about the Free Bikes 4 Kidz organization.

By 2025 FB4K’s proven, scalable model will put a kid on a bike for less than the cost of two Starbucks Tall coffees.

Queen Bee Media is committed to helping nonprofit organizations

Queen Bee Media is committed to helping nonprofit organizations thrive and reach their goals, and this partnership is further proof of that commitment.

Thank you for considering Queen Bee Media as your digital-go-to source for all things online marketing!

To learn more about how you can become involved, visit FB4K.org

Let’s all join together to help the youth.

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10 Awesome WordPress User Statistics

10 Awesome WordPress User Statistics

10 Awesome WordPress User Statistics

The WordPress User Statistics are in. Guess what? You’re not alone! There are over 60 million websites using the WordPress platform, and the numbers continue to grow. With statistics like that, you know you can’t go wrong with a WordPress website.

Our post will show you 10 awesome WordPress user statistics. We explain the top 10  most popular reasons why people use it for their business (big or small) or personal blog.

According to Hosting Tribunal

  • WordPress powers 39.6% of the internet in 2021, a growth of nearly 5% from 35% in 2020, and a 4% rise from the year before.

  • If you count only the CMS-built sites, then 64.1% of them are WordPress – 4% growth from 2020.

  • Over 400 million people visit WordPress sites each month.

  • In 2016, nearly 118 billion words were published on WordPress

  • But WordPress is not only for blogging – nearly 28% of all e-commerce goes through WooCommerce

  • 281 new WooCommerce shops appear on average every day

  • 661 WordPress sites also pop up daily

  • WordPress.org offers over 50,000 plugins and over 4,100 GPL-licensed themes

  • In 2018, the non-English WordPress downloads were more than the English ones

  • WordPress has been around since 2003

WordPress is, by far, the most popular content management system in the world and one of the most popular blogging platforms. These WordPress statistics prove that its popularity is driven not only by its relatively low costs and simplicity but also by factors like the wide choice of plugins and themes, availability of language packs, security, and SEO-friendliness. With such a powerful platform behind it – including over 60% market share for CMSs alone – you may be wondering how to get started with this tool?

The quickest way to do so would be through our website development service (powered by Queen Bee Media!), which offers everything from domain registration to web hosting all wrapped up into an easy-to-use interface.

If you want more information on what we offer contact us today by scheduling a free consultation or fill out our free estimate form.


10 Awesome WordPress Statistics

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Add a Voice to your Real Estate Listings

Add a Voice to your Real Estate Listings

Our Video Tours allows you to add a voice to your real estate listings.

Video is one of the most powerful tools available to real estate agents when it comes to marketing listings. Video doesn’t just give more information about your properties, it can help set you apart from other agents in your market and better connect with prospective clients. Our Video Tours are a chance for you to be creative while also delivering value to your audience.

Did you know that property listings with video receive 403% more interest than those without? 85 percent of purchasers and sellers want to deal with an agent who uses video in their marketing. Our Real Estate Video Tours are the perfect solution for your property. Video Tours for Real Estate let you highlight the real estate property’s finest features or convey any necessary information. Our Video Tours also include elements that make the neighborhood desirable to purchasers.

Always make sure your viewers are fully immersed. Attract their attention and provide them with video.

Video tours for real estate also offer the advantage of not having to make several different advertisements. Video Tours provide viewers with an experience that they can’t get from other media.

As you know, Video is a powerful medium and it’s taking over in many ways. Video just seems natural in a world where we have Youtube, Netflix etc… Video helps.

Online activity is higher for listings with video tours. More buyers are making offers without ever visiting a home or building in person. Buyers want video tours as the standard for home purchases online.

Video marketing is now a reality, so it’s time to raise the bar. Here are some video statistics to get you thinking.

  • 61% of marketers see video as a & very important or extremely important part of their marketing strategy. Source: Biteable

  • 30% of marketers see video as a more important part of their strategy than their website. Source: Biteable

  • YouTube has the best ROI for video content (35%), followed by Facebook (26%) and Instagram (18%). Source: Biteable

Video is here to stay. Even Mark Zuckerberg believes video is a critical part of our future. The sheer volume of video content online is growing exponentially. Don’t fall behind the competition. It’s time to raise your game, because it’s all a game anyhow. Let’s have a look at some video tours right now.

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How Blockchain Will Transform Digital Marketing

How Blockchain Will Transform Digital Marketing

Nick Rojas
Just when you thought you were getting the hang of digital marketing, it feels like everybody around you has started talking about blockchain. Wait a second—isn’t blockchain the technology behind Bitcoin? How on earth does that factor into digital marketing? Quite heavily, as it turns out—or at least, that’s what most experts are predicting will soon be the case. If you’re confused, don’t worry: you aren’t alone. Many digital marketing professionals are as yet uncertain of how blockchain technology will impact their line of work. That’s why we’re here to explain what blockchain is and how it’s probably going to change the nature of your job. Read on, and learn everything you need to know so that you can stay one step ahead of the competition when the time comes.

First of All, What is Blockchain Anyway?

Let’s start with the basics for the uninitiated. Blockchain is a term that gets thrown around with regards to Bitcoin so often that some people might think they’re synonymous. Not so. Blockchain isn’t the same as Bitcoin—as mentioned previously, it’s the technology upon which Bitcoin (and most other cryptocurrencies) are based. Here’s how it works:

Blockchain is basically a way to record transactions digitally. On the basis of that fact alone, you might not think it’s so different from electronic banking or a credit card e-statement, but wait—there’s more. Unlike other forms of digital recordkeeping, blockchain technology does not keep information in a centralized location such as a database hosted on a server bank. Instead, blockchain creates multiple copies of the record whenever it is updated and distributes those copies to numerous devices on a worldwide network.

What’s the advantage there? Simple: it’s all about security. Information kept on a single server can be compromised if you know where that server is and how to hack it. However, with blockchain technology, any false record or fraudulent activity can be identified by comparing the compromised information with the other existing copies. Since these copies are all stored on different devices in a massive network, it’s practically impossible to get them all.

How Does Marketing Relate to All This?

Here’s the takeaway for digital marketers: because blockchain offers security by verifying transaction details, it’s important for the cryptocurrencies that use it to safeguard the personal data of their users. As such, most cryptos (Bitcoin included) offer partial anonymity: you might have to create a Bitcoin address to use Bitcoin, but you don’t actually have to register it with your legal name or where you live. Because of this, transactions that use blockchain technology are practically always anonymous. When consumers are buying products and paying for services anonymously, marketers can’t analyze their shopping behavior to improve campaigns.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution: just buy personal data directly from your existing customers. Start an opt-in program where you offer rewards or direct cash compensation in exchange for information you can use to create accurate buyer profiles. Don’t worry about the higher costs associated with buying data directly from your consumers, either—after all, you’ll be getting information from people who are already enthusiastic about your business, so the results will be much more valuable than the generic data marketers currently get from social media platforms.

Understanding the power blockchain has to change digital marketing will help you stay effective when cryptocurrencies become a normal way to pay for goods and services. If you’re going to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment (and there are many reasons why you should consider doing so), learning how to collect marketing data differently will be an essential part of your company’s continued success.

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